What is the human condition? (Q2)
From To Be A Christian, An Anglican Catechism
The universal human condition is that, though made for fellowship with our Creator, we have been cut off from him by self-centered rebellion against him, leading to guilt, shame, and fear of death and judgment. This is the state of sin. (Genesis 3; Romans 3:23)
Notes from the Task Force
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Early Church Heresies
lots and lots of heresies to briefly describe and create links internally and externally to.
Contemporary Expressions of Early Christian Heresies
so so many, some near and dear to our hearts.
Teaching Aids & Tips
A Soul With a Body or a Body with a Soul: Our perspective on our own physical and spiritual reality shapes our attitudes to the Gospel. C.S. Lewis put it this way. (Quote Needed). Stanley Haueraus and William Willimon captured this understanding in their book "Resident Aliens: Life in The Christian Colony"[1].