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- 22:04, 21 November 2014 From what evil do you seek to be delivered? (Q217) (hist) [274 bytes] Ed (Talk | contribs) (Created page with "I desire, first and foremost, to be delivered from Satan our Enemy, the Evil One, and all demonic forces that seek to destroy God’s creatures. (Matthew 16:21-23; John...")
- 22:03, 21 November 2014 How does God redeem evil? (Q216) (hist) [292 bytes] Ed (Talk | contribs) (Created page with "Though the evil deeds of his creatures may cause great harm and suffering, the almighty and all-wise God can use them to bring about his good purposes, both in the world and i...")
- 22:02, 21 November 2014 Is God responsible for evil? (Q215) (hist) [170 bytes] Ed (Talk | contribs) (Created page with "No. The free choices of his creatures do not implicate God in evil in any way. (Galatians 2:17; James 1:13-15)")
- 22:01, 21 November 2014 How did God address evil in this world? (Q214) (hist) [550 bytes] Ed (Talk | contribs) (Created page with "God, in his love, sent Jesus Christ to gain victory over all the powers of evil by his death, resurrection and ascension. Victory and authority over sin and evil are granted t...")
- 22:00, 21 November 2014 What are angels? (Q213) (hist) [411 bytes] Ed (Talk | contribs) (Created page with "Angels are spiritual, holy beings created by God. They joyfully serve him in heavenly worship and God appoints them to act as messengers, bringing words of guidance and assura...")
- 21:58, 21 November 2014 How did Satan and his angels turn to evil? (Q212) (hist) [193 bytes] Ed (Talk | contribs) (Created page with "Satan and his angels were overcome by envy and pride and rebelled against God. (Luke 10:18; 1 Timothy 3:6; Jude 6; Revelation 12:7-12)")
- 21:56, 21 November 2014 What are Satan and demons? (Q211) (hist) [481 bytes] Ed (Talk | contribs) (Created page with "Demons, of whom Satan is chief, are fallen angels. Satan rebelled against God and led other angels to follow him. They now cause spiritual and sometimes physical harm to morta...")
- 21:53, 21 November 2014 Did evil exist before the human race embraced it? (Q210) (hist) [186 bytes] Ed (Talk | contribs) (Created page with "Yes. Satan and the other demons with him had already opposed God and chosen evil. (Genesis 3: 1-5; Job 1:6-12; John 8:44)")
- 21:52, 21 November 2014 If God made the world good at its creation, why does he permit evil? (Q209) (hist) [326 bytes] Ed (Talk | contribs) (Created page with "God made rational creatures free to worship, love, and obey him, but also free to reject his love, rebel against him, and choose evil – as the human race has done. (Genesi...")
- 21:50, 21 November 2014 What is evil? (Q208) (hist) [258 bytes] Ed (Talk | contribs) (Created page with "Evil is the willful perversion of God’s good will that defies his holiness and mars his good creation. (Genesis 3:1-19; Genesis 4:1-8; Genesis 6:1-8)")
- 21:49, 21 November 2014 What is the Seventh Petition? (Q207) (hist) [96 bytes] Ed (Talk | contribs) (Created page with "The Seventh Petition is: “But deliver us from evil.”")
- 21:49, 21 November 2014 What are ways to guard against temptation? (Q206) (hist) [363 bytes] Ed (Talk | contribs) (Created page with "I can guard against temptation by praying the Lord’s Prayer, asking for strength, confessing my sins, recalling God’s Word, and living accountably with others. (Matthew...")
- 21:47, 21 November 2014 Does God lead you into temptation? (Q205) (hist) [325 bytes] Ed (Talk | contribs) (Created page with "No. God never tempts anyone to sin, nor is he the cause of any sin, but, so that I may grow in obedience, he does allow me to be tested on occasion, as he allowed Jesus. (Ma...")
- 21:46, 21 November 2014 What kind of protection from temptation do you ask for? (Q204) (hist) [194 bytes] Ed (Talk | contribs) (Created page with "Knowing Satan’s hatred and my weakness, I ask God to keep me from sin and danger. (Luke 22:31; James 1:14; 1 Peter 5:8)")
- 21:45, 21 November 2014 What are the sources of temptation? (Q203) (hist) [265 bytes] Ed (Talk | contribs) (Created page with "My heart is tempted by the world, the flesh, and the Devil, all of which are enemies of God and of my spiritual well-being. (1 John 2:15-17, Galatians 5:16-21, 1 Joh...")
- 21:43, 21 November 2014 What is temptation? (Q202) (hist) [192 bytes] Ed (Talk | contribs) (Created page with "Temptation is an enticement to abandon total trust in God or to violate his commandments. (Proverbs 1:8-19; James 1:14-15)")
- 21:43, 21 November 2014 What is the Sixth Petition? (Q201) (hist) [107 bytes] Ed (Talk | contribs) (Created page with "The Sixth Petition is: “And lead us not into temptation.”")
- 21:42, 21 November 2014 Will your forgiveness of others bring reconciliation with them? (Q200) (hist) [266 bytes] Ed (Talk | contribs) (Created page with "Not always. Forgiveness is an attitude of my heart desiring the blessing of my neighbor, but my forgiveness may not result in my neighbor’s repentance and the restoration of...")
- 21:41, 21 November 2014 How will you forgive others? (Q199) (hist) [279 bytes] Ed (Talk | contribs) (Created page with "I will forgive others by extending to them the love of Christ, and by choosing not to hold against them the hurts they have inflicted, whether they ask forgiveness or not. (...")
- 21:40, 21 November 2014 Why should you forgive others? (Q198) (hist) [152 bytes] Ed (Talk | contribs) (Created page with "I should forgive others because while I was still a sinner God forgave me. (Matthew 18:21-35)")
- 21:40, 21 November 2014 Do you forgive others as fully as God forgives you? (Q197) (hist) [248 bytes] Ed (Talk | contribs) (Created page with "Following the example of my Lord Jesus, I seek constantly to forgive those who sin against me. (Matthew 18:21-35; Luke 23:34; Acts 7:60; Romans 5:8, 2 Corint...")
- 21:38, 21 November 2014 Does God forgive your sins? (Q196) (hist) [300 bytes] Ed (Talk | contribs) (Created page with "Yes. God freely forgives the sins of all who ask him in true repentance and faith, and that includes me. (Leviticus 6:6-8; Matthew 11:28-30; [[John 6:37, 40, 51; 7:37]...")
- 21:37, 21 November 2014 On what basis do you ask forgiveness? (Q195) (hist) [290 bytes] Ed (Talk | contribs) (Created page with "I ask God to forgive all my sins through the righteousness of Jesus Christ, which was completed for me on the cross and is given to me through faith and Baptism. ([[Acts 2:38]...")
- 21:35, 21 November 2014 What is God’s forgiveness? (Q194) (hist) [251 bytes] Ed (Talk | contribs) (Created page with "God’s forgiveness is his merciful removal of the guilt of sin that results from our disobedience. (Isaiah 1:18; Isaiah 52:13-53:12; Ephesians 1:3-14; Colossian...")
- 21:34, 21 November 2014 Have you trespassed against God’s Law? (Q193) (hist) [245 bytes] Ed (Talk | contribs) (Created page with "Yes. Together with all mankind, I sin daily against God’s Law in thought, word, and deed, and love neither him nor my neighbor as I should. (Jeremiah 2:12-14; Romans 1...")
- 21:33, 21 November 2014 What are trespasses? (Q192) (hist) [214 bytes] Ed (Talk | contribs) (Created page with "A trespass is a thought, word, or deed contrary to God’s holy character and Law, missing the mark of his will and expectations. (Romans 3:23)")
- 21:32, 21 November 2014 What is the Fifth Petition? (Q191) (hist) [146 bytes] Ed (Talk | contribs) (Created page with "The Fifth Petition is: “Forgive us our trespasses as we forgive those who trespass against us.”")
- 21:31, 21 November 2014 Why does God give you daily bread? (Q190) (hist) [241 bytes] Ed (Talk | contribs) (Created page with "God gives me daily bread because he is a good and loving Father, and I should thank him for it morning, noon, and night. (Psalms 81:10, Psalms 16; Psalms 103; Da...")
- 21:27, 21 November 2014 Why should you pray for bread daily? (Q189) (hist) [194 bytes] Ed (Talk | contribs) (Created page with "God wishes me to trust him every day to supply my needs for that day. (Proverbs 30:7-9; Matthew 6:24-34; Philippians 4:6)")
- 21:26, 21 November 2014 What does “our daily bread” mean? (Q188) (hist) [301 bytes] Ed (Talk | contribs) (Created page with "Daily bread includes all that is needed for personal well-being, such as food and clothing, homes and families, work and health, friends and neighbors, and peace and godly gov...")
- 21:25, 21 November 2014 What is the Fourth Petition? (Q187) (hist) [127 bytes] Ed (Talk | contribs) (Created page with "The Fourth Petition is: “Give us this day our daily bread.”")
- 21:24, 21 November 2014 For what personal blessings does the second half of the Lord’s Prayer teach you to ask? (Q186) (hist) [217 bytes] Ed (Talk | contribs) (Created page with "As a loyal child of God I pray first for God’s honor, Kingdom, and will; then I pray for my own needs of daily bread, pardon for sins, and protection from evil.")
- 21:23, 21 November 2014 What more do you seek in the third petition? (Q185) (hist) [460 bytes] Ed (Talk | contribs) (Created page with "In the third petition I also pray for God to counter the dominion of the world, the flesh, and the Devil in my own soul; to thwart the plans of wicked people; and to extend th...")
- 21:18, 21 November 2014 How is God’s will accomplished on earth? (Q184) (hist) [428 bytes] Ed (Talk | contribs) (Created page with "God’s Kingdom comes whenever and wherever God’s will is done. As the Church aims to hallow God’s Name and seek first his Kingdom, it should lead the way in wholehearted...")
- 21:17, 21 November 2014 Where can you find God’s will? (Q183) (hist) [407 bytes] Ed (Talk | contribs) (Created page with "I find the will of God outlined in the Ten Commandments, learn its fullness from the whole of Scripture, and see it culminate in the Law of Christ, which calls for my complete...")
- 21:15, 21 November 2014 How is God’s will accomplished in heaven? (Q182) (hist) [237 bytes] Ed (Talk | contribs) (Created page with "The heavenly company of angels and perfected believers responds to God in perfect, willing obedience, and perfect worship. (Psalms 103:20; Psalms 104:4; Psalms 148:2)")
- 21:13, 21 November 2014 What is the Third Petition? (Q181) (hist) [144 bytes] Ed (Talk | contribs) (Created page with "The Third Petition is: “Thy will be done on earth as it is in heaven.”")
- 21:13, 21 November 2014 How do you live in God’s Kingdom? (Q180) (hist) [303 bytes] Ed (Talk | contribs) (Created page with "My Kingdom life as a Christian consists of living with joy, hope, and peace as a child of God, a citizen of heaven, and a faithful disciple of Jesus Christ. (Romans 14:17;...")
- 21:02, 21 November 2014 How does God’s Kingdom come? (Q179) (hist) [462 bytes] Ed (Talk | contribs) (Created page with "God’s Kingdom, which was foreshadowed in the Old Testament, was founded in Christ’s incarnation, established with his ascension, advances with the fulfilling of the Great...")
- 21:00, 21 November 2014 When you pray for God’s Kingdom to come, what do you desire? (Q178) (hist) [181 bytes] Ed (Talk | contribs) (Created page with "I pray that the whole creation may enjoy full restoration to its rightful Lord. (Romans 8:22-25; Philippians 2:9-11)")
- 20:59, 21 November 2014 What is the Kingdom? (Q177) (hist) [297 bytes] Ed (Talk | contribs) (Created page with "The Kingdom of God is his reign over all the world and in the hearts of his people through the powerful and effective operation of his Holy Spirit. (Matthew 12:28; Roman...")
- 20:56, 21 November 2014 What is the Second Petition? (Q176) (hist) [94 bytes] Ed (Talk | contribs) (Created page with "The Second Petition is: “Thy Kingdom come.”")
- 20:56, 21 November 2014 How else can you hallow God’s Name? (Q175) (hist) [234 bytes] Ed (Talk | contribs) (Created page with "I can hallow God’s Name in word and deed by living an obedient and ordered life as his child, as a citizen of his Kingdom, and as one who seeks his glory. (Hebrews 13:15-1...")
- 20:55, 21 November 2014 How does God answer this petition? (Q174) (hist) [239 bytes] Ed (Talk | contribs) (Created page with "God gives grace that I may honor his holy Name and Word in private and public worship, and he enables me to walk humbly with him, my God. (Micah 6:8; Matthew 28:18-20)")
- 20:53, 21 November 2014 How can you hallow God’s name? (Q173) (hist) [400 bytes] Ed (Talk | contribs) (Created page with "God is King of all the earth, and I pray that all people everywhere may revere and worship him, according to his revelation in Christ and the Holy Scriptures. (Psalms 2; [...") originally created as "How can you hallow God’s name (Q173)"
- 20:51, 21 November 2014 What does “hallowed” mean? (Q172) (hist) [168 bytes] Ed (Talk | contribs) (Created page with "Hallowed means to be treated as holy, set apart, and sacred. To hallow God’s name is to honor him as holy.")
- 20:45, 21 November 2014 Does God have other names? (Q171) (hist) [213 bytes] Ed (Talk | contribs) (Created page with "Yes. Through the person and ministry of Jesus Christ, God’s Name is also revealed to be “the Father, the Son and the Holy Spirit” (Matthew 28:19).")
- 20:44, 21 November 2014 What is God’s Name? (Q170) (hist) [405 bytes] Ed (Talk | contribs) (Created page with "God’s Name refers to his personal being – his nature, his character, his power, and his purposes. The Name God reveals to Moses is “I AM WHO I AM” or simply “I AM”...")
- 20:42, 21 November 2014 What is the First Petition? (Q169) (hist) [98 bytes] Ed (Talk | contribs) (Created page with "The First Petition is: “Hallowed be Thy Name.”")
- 20:41, 21 November 2014 If your Father is in heaven, can he help you on earth? (Q168) (hist) [213 bytes] Ed (Talk | contribs) (Created page with "Yes. God is everywhere, and as my almighty Father in heaven, he is able and willing to answer my prayers. (Psalm 99; Isaiah 6; Ephesians 3:20, 4:6)")