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- 03:28, 21 November 2014 What is the Church? (Q89) (hist) [455 bytes] Ed (Talk | contribs) (Created page with "<span style="color:#800000">What is the Church?</span> The Church is the whole community of faithful Christians in heaven and on earth. The Church on earth gathers in local c...")
- 03:26, 21 November 2014 Why does the Holy Spirit give these gifts? (Q88) (hist) [241 bytes] Ed (Talk | contribs) (Created page with "<span style="color:#800000">Why does the Holy Spirit give these gifts?</span> The Holy Spirit equips and empowers each believer for service in the worship of Jesus Christ, fo...")
- 03:23, 21 November 2014 What are the gifts of the Holy Spirit? (Q87) (hist) [438 bytes] Ed (Talk | contribs) (Created page with "<span style="color:#800000">What are the gifts of the Holy Spirit?</span> The manifold gifts of the Holy Spirit include faith, healing, miracles, prophecy, discernment of spi...")
- 03:21, 21 November 2014 What is the fruit of the Holy Spirit? (Q86) (hist) [297 bytes] Ed (Talk | contribs) (Created page with "<span style="color:#800000">What is the fruit of the Holy Spirit?</span> The fruit of the Holy Spirit is the very character of Jesus developing in us through the work of the...")
- 03:20, 21 November 2014 How do you receive the Holy Spirit? (Q85) (hist) [410 bytes] Ed (Talk | contribs) (Created page with "<span style="color:#800000">How do you receive the Holy Spirit?</span> The Scriptures teach that, through repenting and being baptized in the name of Jesus Christ, I am forgi...")
- 03:18, 21 November 2014 How does the Holy Spirit relate to you? (Q84) (hist) [365 bytes] Ed (Talk | contribs) (Created page with "<span style="color:#800000">How does the Holy Spirit relate to you?</span> Jesus Christ sends the Holy Spirit to make Jesus known to me, to indwell and empower me in Christ,...")
- 03:16, 21 November 2014 What are the particular ministries of the Holy Spirit? (Q83) (hist) [528 bytes] Ed (Talk | contribs) (Created page with "<span style="color:#800000">What are the particular ministries of the Holy Spirit?</span> The Holy Spirit imparts life in all its forms throughout God’s creation, unites be...")
- 03:14, 21 November 2014 What principal names does the New Testament give to the Holy Spirit? (Q82) (hist) [379 bytes] Ed (Talk | contribs) (Created page with "<span style="color:#800000">What principal names does the New Testament give to the Holy Spirit?</span> Jesus names the Holy Spirit “Paraclete” (the one alongside). This...")
- 03:12, 21 November 2014 Who is the Holy Spirit? (Q81) (hist) [310 bytes] Ed (Talk | contribs) (Created page with "<span style="color:#800000">Who is the Holy Spirit?</span> God the Holy Spirit is the third Person in the one Being of the Holy Trinity, co-equal and co-eternal with God the...")
- 06:52, 20 November 2014 How does the Church exercise its authority to judge? (Q80) (hist) [431 bytes] Ed (Talk | contribs) (Created page with "<span style="color:#800000">How does the Church exercise its authority to judge?</span> A priest, acting under the authority of the bishop, may bar a person from receiving co...")
- 06:51, 20 November 2014 How do you judge yourself? (Q79) (hist) [336 bytes] Ed (Talk | contribs) (Created page with "<span style="color:#800000">How do you judge yourself?</span> With the help of the Holy Spirit, I judge myself by examining my conscience. I may use the Ten Commandments, the...")
- 06:49, 20 November 2014 Should you pass judgment on sinners or non-Christians? (Q78) (hist) [419 bytes] Ed (Talk | contribs) (Created page with "<span style="color:#800000">Should you pass judgment on sinners or non-Christians?</span> No. God alone judges those outside the Church. The Church may proclaim God's condemn...")
- 06:47, 20 November 2014 What does Scripture mean when it tells you to fear God? (Q77) (hist) [332 bytes] Ed (Talk | contribs) (Created page with "<span style="color:#800000">What does Scripture mean when it tells you to fear God?</span> It means that I should live mindful of his presence, walking in humility as his cre...")
- 06:46, 20 November 2014 Should you be afraid of God's judgment? (Q76) (hist) [438 bytes] Ed (Talk | contribs) (Created page with "<span style="color:#800000">Should you be afraid of God's judgment?</span> The unrepentant should fear God's judgment, for “the wrath of God is revealed from heaven against...")
- 06:43, 20 November 2014 How should you live in light of Jesus’ coming return for judgment? (Q75) (hist) [355 bytes] Ed (Talk | contribs) (Created page with "<span style="color:#800000">How should you live in light of Jesus’ coming return for judgment?</span> Because I do not know when Jesus will come, I must be ready to stand b...")
- 06:42, 20 November 2014 How should you understand Jesus’ future judgment? (Q74) (hist) [485 bytes] Ed (Talk | contribs) (Created page with "<span style="color:#800000">How should you understand Jesus’ future judgment?</span> When the Lord Jesus Christ returns, the world as we know it will come to an end. All th...")
- 06:41, 20 November 2014 What should be your attitude as you await Jesus’ return? (Q73) (hist) [343 bytes] Ed (Talk | contribs) (Created page with "<span style="color:#800000">What should be your attitude as you await Jesus’ return?</span> I should anticipate with joy the return of Jesus as the completion of my salvati...")
- 06:39, 20 November 2014 When should you expect Jesus’ return? (Q72) (hist) [333 bytes] Ed (Talk | contribs) (Created page with "<span style="color:#800000">When should you expect Jesus’ return?</span> Jesus taught that only the Father knows the actual day of his return. God patiently waits for many...")
- 06:38, 20 November 2014 What does the Creed mean when it says, “He will come again?” (Q71) (hist) [438 bytes] Ed (Talk | contribs) (Created page with "<span style="color:#800000">What does the Creed mean when it says, “He will come again?”</span> Jesus promised that he would return (Luke 21:27-28). His coming in vic...")
- 06:36, 20 November 2014 How does your knowledge of Jesus’ heavenly ministry affect your life today? (Q70) (hist) [241 bytes] Ed (Talk | contribs) (Created page with "<span style="color:#800000">How does your knowledge of Jesus’ heavenly ministry affect your life today?</span> I can rely on Jesus always to be present with me as he promis...")
- 06:35, 20 November 2014 What does Jesus do for you as he sits at the Father’s right hand? (Q69) (hist) [359 bytes] Ed (Talk | contribs) (Created page with "<span style="color:#800000">What does Jesus do for you as he sits at the Father’s right hand?</span> Noting my needs and receiving my prayers, Jesus intercedes for me as ou...")
- 06:33, 20 November 2014 What does it mean for Jesus to sit at God the Father’s right hand? (Q68) (hist) [580 bytes] Ed (Talk | contribs) (Created page with "<span style="color:#800000">What does it mean for Jesus to sit at God the Father’s right hand?</span> The throne on the monarch’s right was traditionally the seat for the...")
- 06:30, 20 November 2014 What is the result of the Ascension? (Q67) (hist) [432 bytes] Ed (Talk | contribs) (Created page with "<span style="color:#800000">What is the result of the Ascension?</span> Jesus ascended into heaven so that, through him, his Father might send us the gift of the Holy Spirit....")
- 06:28, 20 November 2014 How should you understand Jesus’ ascension into heaven? (Q66) (hist) [412 bytes] Ed (Talk | contribs) (Created page with "<span style="color:#800000">How should you understand Jesus’ ascension into heaven?</span> Jesus was taken up out of human sight, and returned in his humanity to the glory...")
- 06:26, 20 November 2014 What kind of earthly life did Jesus have after he rose from the dead? (Q65) (hist) [334 bytes] Ed (Talk | contribs) (Created page with "<span style="color:#800000">What kind of earthly life did Jesus have after he rose from the dead?</span> Following his resurrection, Jesus spent forty days visiting and teach...")
- 06:25, 20 November 2014 What does the Creed mean when it affirms that Jesus rose again from the dead? (Q64) (hist) [407 bytes] Ed (Talk | contribs) (Created page with "<span style="color:#800000">What does the Creed mean when it affirms that Jesus rose again from the dead?</span> It means that Jesus was not simply resuscitated; God restored...")
- 06:22, 20 November 2014 What does the Creed mean by saying that Jesus descended to the dead? (Q63) (hist) [255 bytes] Ed (Talk | contribs) (Created page with "<span style="color:#800000">What does the Creed mean by saying that Jesus descended to the dead?</span> That Jesus descended to the dead means that he truly died; his spirit...")
- 06:20, 20 November 2014 Why does the Creed emphasize Jesus’ death in this way? (Q62) (hist) [334 bytes] Ed (Talk | contribs) (Created page with "<span style="color:#800000">Why does the Creed emphasize Jesus’ death in this way?</span> The Creed emphasizes Jesus’ death to counter suspicions that Jesus did not truly...")
- 06:19, 20 November 2014 Why does the Creed make a point of saying that Jesus died? (Q61) (hist) [227 bytes] Ed (Talk | contribs) (Created page with "<span style="color:#800000">Why does the Creed make a point of saying that Jesus died?</span> The Creed makes the point to emphasize that Jesus died a real, bodily death such...")
- 06:17, 20 November 2014 What does Jesus’ crucifixion mean? (Q60) (hist) [532 bytes] Ed (Talk | contribs) (Created page with "<span style="color:#800000">What does Jesus’ crucifixion mean?</span> It means that Jesus was executed as a common criminal. He was scourged, mocked, and nailed to a cross...")
- 06:15, 20 November 2014 Why does the Creed say that Jesus suffered under the Roman governor Pontius Pilate? (Q59) (hist) [239 bytes] Ed (Talk | contribs) (Created page with "<span style="color:#800000">Why does the Creed say that Jesus suffered under the Roman governor Pontius Pilate?</span> The Creed thus makes clear that Jesus’ life and death...")
- 06:14, 20 November 2014 In what ways did Jesus suffer? (Q58) (hist) [460 bytes] Ed (Talk | contribs) (Created page with "<span style="color:#800000">In what ways did Jesus suffer?</span> On earth, the incarnate Son shared physically, mentally and spiritually in the temptations and sufferings co...")
- 06:12, 20 November 2014 Why did Jesus suffer? (Q57) (hist) [349 bytes] Ed (Talk | contribs) (Created page with "<span style="color:#800000">Why did Jesus suffer?</span> Jesus suffered for our sins so that we could have peace with God, as prophesied in the Old Testament: “But he was p...")
- 06:10, 20 November 2014 What is the relationship between Jesus’ humanity and his divinity? (Q56) (hist) [501 bytes] Ed (Talk | contribs) (Created page with "<span style="color:#800000">What is the relationship between Jesus’ humanity and his divinity?</span> Jesus is both fully and truly God, and fully and truly human. The divi...")
- 06:07, 20 November 2014 Was Mary the only human parent of Jesus? (Q55) (hist) [386 bytes] Ed (Talk | contribs) (Created page with "<span style="color:#800000">Was Mary the only human parent of Jesus?</span> Yes. Mary is held in honor, for she submitted to the will of God and bore the Son of God as her ow...")
- 06:05, 20 November 2014 How was Jesus conceived by the Holy Spirit? (Q54) (hist) [305 bytes] Ed (Talk | contribs) (Created page with "<span style="color:#800000">How was Jesus conceived by the Holy Spirit?</span> Through the creative power of the Holy Spirit, the eternal Son assumed a fully human nature fro...")
- 06:02, 20 November 2014 What do you mean when you call Jesus Christ “Lord?” (Q53) (hist) [421 bytes] Ed (Talk | contribs) (Created page with "<span style="color:#800000">What do you mean when you call Jesus Christ “Lord?”</span> I acknowledge Jesus’ authority over the Church and all creation, over all societi...")
- 06:01, 20 November 2014 Why is Jesus called the Father’s “only Son?” (Q52) (hist) [505 bytes] Ed (Talk | contribs) (Created page with "<span style="color:#800000">Why is Jesus called the Father’s “only Son?”</span> Jesus alone is God the Son, co-equal and co-eternal with God the Father and God the Holy...")
- 05:59, 20 November 2014 What does “Christ” mean? (Q51) (hist) [372 bytes] Ed (Talk | contribs) (Created page with "<span style="color:#800000">What does “Christ” mean?</span> Christos is a Greek word meaning “Anointed One.” Old Testament kings, priests and prophets were anointed w...")
- 05:57, 20 November 2014 What does “Jesus” mean? (Q50) (hist) [227 bytes] Ed (Talk | contribs) (Created page with "<span style="color:#800000">What does “Jesus” mean?</span> “Jesus” means “God saves” and is taken from the Hebrew name Yeshua or Joshua. In Jesus, God has come to...")
- 05:55, 20 November 2014 Who is Jesus Christ? (Q49) (hist) [330 bytes] Ed (Talk | contribs) (Created page with "<span style="color:#800000">Who is Jesus Christ?</span> Jesus Christ is the eternal Word and Son of God, the second Person of the Holy Trinity. He took on human flesh to be th...")
- 01:46, 20 November 2014 How does sin affect you? (Q48) (hist) [391 bytes] Tobias (Talk | contribs) (Created page with "<span style="color:#800000">How does sin affect you?</span> The God-opposing, self-centered power of sin, which is present in all people, corrupts me and my relationship with...")
- 01:45, 20 November 2014 If God made the world good, why do I sin? (Q47) (hist) [328 bytes] Tobias (Talk | contribs) (Created page with "<span style="color:#800000">If God made the world good, why do I sin?</span> Adam and Eve rebelled against God, thus bringing into the world pain, fruitless toil, alienation...")
- 01:44, 20 November 2014 What does it mean that God made both heaven and earth? (Q46) (hist) [236 bytes] Tobias (Talk | contribs) (Created page with "<span style="color:#800000">What does it mean that God made both heaven and earth?</span> It means that all things, whether visible or invisible, physical or spiritual, were...")
- 01:43, 20 November 2014 How does recognizing God as Creator affect your understanding of his creation? (Q45) (hist) [411 bytes] Tobias (Talk | contribs) (Created page with "<span style="color:#800000">How does recognizing God as Creator affect your understanding of his creation?</span> I acknowledge that God made for his own glory everything tha...")
- 01:42, 20 November 2014 Why do you call God the Father “Creator?” (Q44) (hist) [392 bytes] Tobias (Talk | contribs) (Created page with "<span style="color:#800000">Why do you call God the Father “Creator?”</span> I call God the Father “Creator” because he is the sole designer and originator of everyth...")
- 01:41, 20 November 2014 Why do you say that God the Father is “Almighty?” (Q43) (hist) [321 bytes] Tobias (Talk | contribs) (Created page with "<span style="color:#800000">Why do you say that God the Father is “Almighty?”</span> I call the Father “Almighty” because he has power over everything and accomplishe...")
- 01:40, 20 November 2014 What do you mean when you call God “Father?” (Q42) (hist) [380 bytes] Tobias (Talk | contribs) (Created page with "<span style="color:#800000">What do you mean when you call God “Father?”</span> When I call God “Father,” I acknowledge that I was created by God for relationship wit...")
- 01:38, 20 November 2014 Why do you call the first of the three divine Persons “Father?” (Q41) (hist) [366 bytes] Tobias (Talk | contribs) (Created page with "<span style="color:#800000">Why do you call the first of the three divine Persons “Father?”</span> Our Lord Jesus called God “Father” and taught his disciples to do t...")
- 01:37, 20 November 2014 Who is God the Father? (Q40) (hist) [304 bytes] Tobias (Talk | contribs) (Created page with "<span style="color:#800000">Who is God the Father?</span> God the Father is the first Person of the Holy Trinity, from whom the Son is eternally begotten and the Holy Spirit...")